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How to use implied odds in poker

Slot Online is a game of skill, strategy, and a little bit of luck. While mastering the basics of poker is important, understanding advanced concepts like implied odds can take your game to the next level. In this article, we will explain what implied odds are and how to use them to make better decisions at the poker table.

What are implied odds?

Implied odds refer to the amount of money you expect to win in future betting rounds if you make your hand. Unlike pot odds, which only consider the current pot size and the cost of calling, implied odds take into account the potential winnings in future rounds if you hit your hand.

For example, let’s say you have a flush draw on the turn and your opponent bets $10 into a $20 pot. The pot odds are 3:1, meaning you need to win the hand at least 25% of the time to break even. However, if you think your opponent will bet another $20 on the river if you hit your flush, your implied odds increase to 5:1, making the call more profitable.

How to use implied odds in poker?

Using implied odds in poker requires you to make educated guesses about your opponent’s future betting behavior. You need to ask yourself questions like: Will my opponent continue betting on the river? Will they fold to a large bet? How likely is it that they have a better hand than me?

To calculate implied odds, you need to estimate the size of the pot after future bets and how much you expect to win if you hit your hand. For example, if you have a straight draw on the flop and your opponent bets half the pot, you may estimate that they will bet the same amount on the turn and river if you make your hand. If the pot is $20 and the bet is $10, the pot will be $50 on the turn, and $90 on the river if you hit your hand. If you estimate that you can win at least $30 on the river, your implied odds would be 6:1 ($30/$5).

Keep in mind that implied odds are just an estimation, and you need to make sure that the potential winnings are worth the risk of calling or betting. Additionally, implied odds only apply if you are confident that you have the best hand if you hit your draw.

Implied odds vs. pot odds

Pot odds and implied odds are both important concepts in poker, but they serve different purposes. Pot odds help you determine whether you should call a bet based on the current pot size and the cost of calling. If the pot odds are greater than your chances of winning the hand, it is usually profitable to make the call.

Implied odds, on the other hand, take into account the potential winnings in future betting rounds if you hit your hand. They give you a better understanding of the long-term profitability of a hand and can help you make more profitable decisions in the long run.

In general, it is best to consider both pot odds and implied odds when making decisions at the poker table. If the pot odds are favorable, and the implied odds suggest that you could win a lot of money if you hit your hand, it is usually a good idea to make the call.


Implied odds are a powerful concept in poker that can help you make more profitable decisions at the table. By estimating the potential winnings in future betting rounds if you hit your hand, you can make better decisions about calling or betting. However, using implied odds requires you to make educated guesses about your opponent’s future behavior, and you should always make sure that the potential winnings are worth the risk.

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